• Competition time is limited to 7 days.
  • A new competition OPENS EVERY MONDAY.
  • The announcement of the winner in one week's competition is done next MONDAY.
  • Pets that participated in the previous week will not be visible in the new competition.


Adding a pet

  • Adding and participation of competitiors (pets) on e-exhibition is FREE.
  • You only need an e-mail address for application.
  • Login is NOT required to use empeta.com

*** click on ADD A PET, fill in the required information, add a description and a picture of the pet. READY, your pet is already on the e-show. Vote first and invite friends to vote for your pet.

  • It is allowed to add only one pet from one email address
  • The allowed photo size of a pet is 3 MB.
  • The maximum width and height of the pet photo is 1600x900px. If the dimensions If format is  larger than allowed, the photo is automatically reduced to the allowed size.
  • We only accept pictures / photos of a pet - an animal without a person - the owner.
  • It is not possible to change the pet's information afterwards. Changes are possible only through communication with our customer service at email support@empeta.com.
  • Pets that participated in the previous week will not be visible in the new competition.

The Empeta Team eliminates all possible technical problems within 24 hours from the moment the problem is reported.


  • Voting for the pet competitor in the e-exhibition is FREE.
  • Voting is possible EVERY DAY, only during the weekly competition, ONE VOTE for each competitor - PET.
  • THE OWNER of the appointed competitor can vote for his pet. After voting, the owner has the opportunity to share his competitor with friends who will invite him to vote.
  • VISITORS - PET LOVERS can vote every day, one vote per competitor - pet, with the opportunity to share their vote of the selected pet with friends who will invite them to vote as well.


*** The winner is the competitor - pet who has the most votes during the weekly competition (examinations of competitors - pet are not taken as a parameter to determine the winner)

*** The announcement and posting  of the best ranked pets is announced published every SUNDAY.

  • After the end of the competition, the TOP 3 pets are published on the home page of empeta.com.
  • After each completed competition, the first three pets with the most votes receive the diploma "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PET OF THE WEEK" for taking the first, second and third place in our competition
  • Empeta Team, contacts the owners of TOP 3 pets by e-mail to direct them for receiving the sertificate ``THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PET OF THE WEEK``
  • www.empata.com guarantees the security of the data left behind.


  • The site / empeta.com is a fun platform for entertainment and it is exclusively intended for the presentation of pets- animals of all kinds. It does not propagate and strongly condemns any kind of physical violence and animal abuse. We only accept pictures / photos of a pet - an animal without a person - the owner.
  • Empeta Team reserves the rights to remove the material with no warning, if Empeta Team assesses that the content uploaded by the pet owner from one e-mail adress is in conflict with the subject of empeta.com and compromises reputation site as well as other participants and site visitors.
  • Empeta Tim does not take responsibility for the authenticity of posted photos and descriptions of pets. We do not check the owner of the posted pet and his relation with the pet and the photo.
  • In case of disputes without the approval of the other party, the Empeta Team reserves the right to submit the data of the Pet Owner whose authenticity is in question to the competent authorities for resolving any dispute, and in terms of ownership structure, other things not covered in this passport.
  • The Empeta Team, on the report, reaction and suggestion of a third party that can be invoked (proven) as a pet owner, and disputes the photo in terms of abuse, reserves the right to remove the misused photo without notifying the first user who posted someone else's picture.
  • The Empeta Team reserves the right not to create a database of pictures, descriptions, etc., of placed pets after the end of the weekly competition. At the end of one competition week, all data is deleted from the database of the site empeta.com.
  • The Empeta Team reserves the right to change the RULES AND POLICIES at any time.

Empeta Team